This winter I did some traveling, went to New Jersey to look at a potato digger with my friends in January. on our way back from NJ we stopped at the Indianapolis motor speed way and checked out the race way museum. that was neat! a couple weeks after we had been out to look at the digger I had it hauled back to Iowa. That was quite the trip as well. On the way out the they hauled some steel wheels for a Mennonite and some feed. on the way back we picked up my digger, and made various stops along the way and picked up some pieces for a steam engine along the way back. on our way back we were about 15 miles form Gettysburg so we stopped. since the last time that I had been there they have put up a new visitor center a highlight from there was a painting of the battle field that they painted in a dome then the shined different lights on it which brought it to life! I recommend checking it out. I also pit up a picture from the end of the potato harvest with 3 wagon loads of spuds, and my friend John harvesting my corn. the shed in the picture is the the one that we built last fall with tin on it. spring has sprung more pictures to follow soon!