Friday, September 25, 2009

A rain day: great time to upload some more pictures

Hello Every one
Currently I have been picking lots of tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, and tons of potatoes. I have harvested so many potatoes that I had to get 21 more bins like you see on the wagon hopefully that will be enough but I have a feeling that I will need to get more so that I have something to put my storage carrots, cabbage, beet, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Wow lots of busy days ahead as things come to there final maturity. I am really looking forward to having more tasty produce to market through this winter. Last Friday I also purchased a used Clark fork lift that will make moving thing around in my potato storage shed much easier and safer more pictures to come as the fall harvest progresses.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

what I have been up to latly

hello every one things have been extremely busy at my farm. it has bee filled with harvesting tomatoes, potatoes and my fall cole crops. My new packing shed has come along ways. I now have a nice pad of cement to work on and a roof over my head. I finally got moved into my trailer the end of July it has been nice to be able to get up in the morning and go out and start working on my farm. Potato harvest has been coming along nicely so far with the help of some volunteers over the past 3 Sundays combined we have dug approximately 20,000 pounds of various varieties of potatoes. I hope to do a better job of keeping this up dated this fall. hopefully. I also just got my van back last week thank for the great job Bill. SO keep your eyes open for the G It's fresh Van

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

lots of tomatoes!

it has been awhile since I have posted on here many of you are probably wondering what I have been occupying my time well I have been doing lots of harvesting and getting ready for my organic inspection which went well last Friday, two weeks ago I moved in to my trailer. last week we started picking some nice slicer tomatoes we picked around 500#s last Friday and another 800 on Monday. today we picked another 500. so if you need any tomatoes let me know! progress on my shed is moving forward the put the poles and rafters up last week and the tin on on Tuesday I will put pictures up soon haven't downloaded them to my computer lately. the picture is one that my uncle Dean took while he and his family came to visit in June. I plan to but more picture up soon. :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Is this Heaven no It's Iowa! :)

Hello every one.  last week construction started on my new packing shed the put in some footings and a cement stub wall. this week the floor heat and cement floor will be put in. in two weeks they should be able to start putting the building up.  the power company was also there last week they put in some power poles and will hopefully get the line in This week. monday was a very productive day me and my crew of three planted about 15000 brocoli plants in about 4 hours!  I also want to let every one know that I will have weekly vegetable shares available starting this week the shares are $20 per week sign up today for a bountiful box full of Fresh produce or you can sign up for the rest of the season for $300 the main season ends Oct. 31 if you are intersted send me an email @

Saturday, June 27, 2009

never a dull moment

rain or shine there is always something to do on a vegetable farm, or I guess any farm for that matter. this past week has been filled with more weed pulling, planting winter squash, planting water melon more lettuce, summer squash and cucumbers.  we also harvested lots of greens and Kohlrabi about 60 pounds this week.  Friday evening I cultivated my Field corn 2nd pass. every thing is looking excellent hopefully I will be able to harvest some Broccoli  and some shell peas next week I also plan to start harvesting some potatoes for farmers market :)  

Friday, June 19, 2009

Whole Lota weeds

this week has been filled with lots of weed pulling and some lettuce harvesting.  it has been raining a lot this week so planting has come to a stand still for the moment. hopefully next week I will be able to get back on track.  when I am able to get back in the Field with the tractor I will be planting my fall storage crops: carrots, beets and some winter squash.  I will also be doing a bunch of cultivating and hopefully rotary hoe my soybeans.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lotz of plants

Thought every one might like to see how all my plants where looking from top left tomatoes in the right of the picture and lots of peppers, top right my potato field, bottom left my corm Field bottom right my potatoes Field with lots of winter radish that came up this spring and are flowering.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

zoom Zoom zoom

This week has been extreamly busy and productive. last saturday afternoon I rotory hoed my corn. On monday I went to get a tractor and transplanter from windridge while Matt Havel roto tilled where we where going to be planting tomatos that afternoon. In the afternoon we planted the last of my tomatoes, about 1000 while steven was working up the some ground to plant my soybeans. in the evening I went to a GROWN Locally meeting. My father started planting my soybeans at about 8 that evening and when I got back from my meeting at 10 I went and got some more soybean seed.  Istarted planting at about 11 and finished around 2 that morning, we where concerned that it was going to rain that is why we pushed so hard to get it planted.  The next day it was still dry so Matt and his brother Michal helpled me plant about 2100 pepper plants a bunch of eggplant and some celery.  after we finished planting I did some cultivating in some of my cole crop transplantings while they started hand hoeing. then I roto tilled betweent the rows of my first planting of tomatos. on wensday the Havel brothers and I hand hoed in the feild where I had culivated tuesday. thursday Mike hand hoed between the tomatoes where I had roto tilled while Matt roto tilled where we where going to be planting sweet potatos that afternoon and I planted my weekly salad planting.  at two in the afternoon we started planting my acre of sweet potatos with the transplanter I had rented from widridge imp.  we finished about six hours later.  friday the havel's finsihed checking to make sure all the sweet potatos made it in the ground.  then they fished hoeing the feild that we had started on earlier in the week.  then they harvested some radishes for me to take to market.  Well done Matt and Mike!!!  now we will  doing lots of weeding starting to stake the tomatos possibly start harvesting lettuce  and construction on my packing shed is slated to begin this week.  O  and the things we planted in the green hous about a week ago are up and looking good!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

rock and hoe

well Monday was a fairly productive day me and my crew began hoeing some of the first trans plants and salad plantings. work on the shed project has be gun to move forward Dad, Rodney, and Mr. Fischer worked on putting the water line in to my new building and trailer house. Tuesday it has rained so it was a great day to work on paper work!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

welcome to tomato land

we {mom, Matt and me} have been very busy today we finished transplanting the cole crops that were in my green house and started working on planting tomatoes and still have a few to plant yet next on the list lots of hand hoeing :) mainly posting again to day because I have a bunch of new pictures.

Playing in the dirt.

This week has been very busy since it has dried out enough to do some Field work.  Monday my mom me and Matt Havel transplanted a bunch of cole crop transplants, and I direct seeded my weekly lettuce planting, spinach, head lettuce, and radishes.  Tuesday Matt and I transplanted some squash and cucumber plants that I started the end of march. Wednesday Matt Cultivated potatoes and I rotovated/tilled under some cover crop in the evening my dad helped me plant my corn. to day Thursday hopefully it isn't so windy that way we can finish transplanting the cole crops and start looking at the tomatoes. other wise lots of hoeing to be done! I have some other cool pictures that I will put up when I bring my camera back inside.

Friday, May 15, 2009

still moving along in the wet weather

This week seems to be following that has been happening the past few weeks dry for the first few days of the week and wet the rest. granted the moisture is welcomed but it would be nice to have a week of dry weather so I can do a bunch of planting on a brighter note I was able to plant some green beans, peas and transplant some broccoli cabbage and Brussels sprouts.  I also had some carrots beets parsnips and chard that have emerged from the ground.   my first salad planing are becoming more noticeable in the Field as they grow hopefully in 2 or 3 weeks I will be able to begin harvesting salad and radishes.  When we get our drier period next week lots of cultivating to accomplish! "excellently exciting for sure"